80 minutes of visual humor
for all audiences from 6 years on.
Director Patricia JEAN.
This first part has been played more than 1,000 times in 30 countries on 5 continents. In this show we discover a matador fighting a fly, a crazy tennis-woman, a fisherman tackling a sly fish, a hypochondriac doctor, and about a dozen other characters.
Take an elastic beanpole body, like a puppet emerging from a Tex Avery cartoon. Add a disjointed body, an outrageously grimacing and surgically insane individual. Shake all these ingredients energetically and serve chilled! Now just enjoy - without moderation - Patrik Cottet Moine, one of the zaniest figures to be found on stage. Clown, foley artist and mime all at once, this tall, lanky individual breaks the locks of normality and opens his doors wide to a host of offbeat, hilarious characters. His universe, in the purest Buster Keaton tradition, is as contagious as laughter, takes the audience outside of time, far from daily routine, and presents a perfect mixture of the comical and the poetic. While his feet travel across the stage his head touches the clouds, making the absurd believable. You might never want to come back to earth. Extravagantly exhilarating!
80 minutes of visual humor
for all audiences from 6 years on.
Co-written with Michel COURTEMANCHE -
Directed by Marc ANDREINI
Highlighting Patricia JEAN
Co-Prod : Oregon Productions - Diffusion : Nicolas +33 (0)7 50 54 74 08.
Composed between Liege and Montreal, this show tells the slightly crazy adventures of a topsy-turvy, clumsy individual that only Patrik Cottet-Moine is able to embody. These stories without words, with their colorful situations, will delight everyone...
During the 80 minutes of the show, without audio tapes, sampling or effect processors, Patrik explores the clownish side of life. The disillusioned, blundering character we meet in his home turns into a cartoon-like American Indian hunting turtledoves, into a Romeo ready to conquer the heart of his sweet Bernadette, into a slightly facetious chef, into an old-fashioned doting father, and then finally into a hilarious praying mantis... And all of this, without any words. Alone on stage, the foley artist manages to materialize an imaginary world so well that you can almost see the escaping bird, the attacking dog or the burning cake. With humor and finesse, this universe is as touching as it is extravagant, never falling into the trap of easy caricature. Through the use of imagination and evoking the part of childhood that is in each of us, Patrik transports us joyfully beyond time and space....
80 minutes of humorous songs and more...
Lyrics and music Patrik Cottet-Moine
Accompanied on the piano and accordion by Patrik Gondolf
Additional music Pierre-Jean Scavino, Endéis Roux.
Two artists stuck in a railroad station following a train delay start ‘spinning’ songs on the service piano. Passengers, trapped like them, become the audience. A repertoire in the making while waiting.... Songs, skits, improvisations, interactivities on the platform.
In this third show Patrik sings and bellows but his body is always omnipresent, and seems to protest just like some of the songs during the show. From the lament of The Blunderer (The Adhesive Tape) to dad's mishap with his above-ground pool, from the diction exercise for singing Boby Lapointe’s songs correctly, to the militant song for saving the Burgundy snails, you will discover in the original compositions of this poetic-humoristic singing tour all the subjects that have not yet been covered in French music. Moreover, the words are accompanied by the notes of an exceptional musician, Patrik Gondolf, who borders on perfection when he plays the solo of The Ride in the Old 4L on his accordion. “On the platform” is an unexpected parenthesis that makes us hope that the train will never arrive.
1h30 of humorous songs (sketches, puppets, improvisations...) from 6 years old
Concert show to see, laugh and listen accompanied by 4 musicians
Co-Prod: Oregon Productions - Distribution: Nicolas +33 (0)7 50 54 74 08
Funny texts, costumed stage plays, wild and very visual, the humor of ZABLOKS is spread over a slice of life and taste with banana. In their brand new show, the musicians take us with finesse into their world fanciful.
The ZABLOKS work with finesse and elegance by delivering
music developed and composed by its excellent musicians.
Their style?...All styles! (funk, rock, musette, classical, salsa,
reggae, rap…) to serve the voice and lyrics (in French) of Patrik
Cottet-Moine. ZABLOKS are part of a true tradition of
French pop knowing how to rave intelligently for pleasure
of all audiences. An energetic shock quartet, in the repertoire
particularly effective because spectacular, abundant and
surprising. Since 94, they have been scouring the stages, armed with a solid
reserve of compounds, light or spicy, but always under the
signs swinging words. With each song, we change
visual universe, outfits and facetious staging
drawing the audience into a new story.
It’s a great explosive spectacle to wake up our ears, the
heart and zygomatics!
More information > www.leszabloks.com
« Un grand flandrin surgit, fer à repasser à la main, pour en finir avec un moustique exaspérant. Cette chasse impitoyable vire presto à la course tauromachique jusqu’à l’estocade de l’insecte toqué. A lui seul il incarne tout des scènes qu’il suggère : décors, accessoires, protagonistes et bande-son. L’escogriffe au corps élastique, sorti tout droit d’un cartoon de Tex Avery, surprend constamment dans des saynètes hilarantes ! »
« … une sorte de Buster Keaton écartelé entre le mime et de drôles de mines, au physique tiré tout droit d’un cartoon. L’humour de cet ancien rocker est une façon de donner à voir l’ordinaire avec (un peu) de hauteur. Les festivals du rire français et étrangers ont déjà souvent salué les performances de ce fantaisiste qui ne veut pas réveiller les consciences, mais nous faire rire et sourire tout éveillé. »
« Un grand corps désarticulé, un visage élastique, un cou de girafe, un œil amusé… Tel un pantin, Patrik Cottet-Moine se tortille, mime et bruite une kyrielle de personnages complètement déjantés… Son énergie est contagieuse : Ce comique révèle un talent fou. Sans paroles, avec des gestes d’une extrême précision et des bruitages inédits, il décrit des histoires tout aussi loufoques les unes que les autres avec un regard averti. Heure de rire et plaisir garantie signée d’un futur grand. »
«…Haute silhouette dégingandée, visage élastique capable des grimaces les plus invraisemblables, Patrik Cottet-Moine ne ressemble à personne d’autre. »
« Un grand flandrin surgit, fer à repasser à la main, pour en finir
avec un moustique exaspérant. Cette chasse impitoyable vire
presto à la course tauromachique jusqu’à l’estocade de l’insecte
toqué. A lui seul il incarne tout des scènes qu’il suggère : décors,
accessoires, protagonistes et bande-son. L’escogriffe au corps
élastique, sorti tout droit d’un cartoon de Tex Avery, surprend
constamment dans des saynètes hilarantes ! »
Patrik joined the French Navy at the age of 16 but was discharged 6 years later for "incompatibility with the military spirit". He then discovered his true nature, playing burlesque mime sketches in the streets, later joining the rock band “Ankara” as a singer. In 1989, Patrik created the mime duet “Lepetit et Legrand”, which ran for several months at the Théâtre d'Edgar in Paris. In 1994, he created the band “The Zabloks”, performing comedy songs “to be seen and heard”, still active to this day. In 2002 Patrik returned to mime, with his first show entitled “Mime de rien”.
In 2011, he co-authored a second stand-up show with Michel Courtemanche entitled “Chez lui” (At His Place). These 2 shows, constantly on tour, have been performed in 30 countries on 5 continents. In a renewed need for music, he created “Au quai” (On the Platform), a show made up of humorous songs and more... In 2019, he collaborates with Cirque du Soleil for the show “Messi Ten”. Besides performing on stage, Patrik makes regular appearances in the cinema, such as “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets” by Luc Besson, “My Summer in Provence” (Avis de mistral) by Rose Bosch, “Les folies fermières” by Jean-Pierre Améris, “L'étoile filante” by Abel et Gordon... To be continued…
Patrik joined the French Navy at the age of 16 but was discharged 6 years later for
“incompatibility with the military spirit”. He then discovered his true nature, playing
burlesque mime sketches in the streets, later joining the rock band “Ankara” as a singer.
In 1989, Patrik created the mime duet “Lepetit et Legrand”, which ran for several...
To be continued…